Drop ship suppliers are required to provide an inventory file in Logicbroker daily. It is preferred to update the inventory file anytime there is a change to your available stock.
- Inventory file should be uploaded when:
- An item’s available stock quantity falls to 0.
- An item is discontinued and needs to be removed from our website.
- Increase/decrease in volume of orders has impacted business and the time-to-ship we advertise on our site needs to be adjusted.
- The full inventory file should include:
- Supplier SKU (supplier’s model number) - This is case sensitive. The model numbers must match the ones provided in the file.
- Quantity - Actual quantity (allocated) of items in stock.
- Supplier Description - a brief Item description.
- Color - Time to Ship Commitment and to let us know about discontinued models.
- Enter your current Time to Ship commitment in the Color column. This Time to Ship commitment is the number of business days it will take to ship an item from the time of receiving the order. This column is what we use to calculate the Time to Ship that is advertised on BBQGuys website.
- If an item is Out of Stock, the estimated time until an item is available again needs to be calculated into the number of days in the Color field. This time will decrease as the date becomes closer to the availability date of the item.
- Time to Ship Table for Color Field:
Color Field Ship Times | |
Value | Advertised Ship Time |
1 | 1-3 Business Days |
3 | 3-5 Business Days |
5 | 5-7 Business Days |
7 | 7-10 Business Days |
10 | 10-14 Business Days |
15 | 3-4 Weeks |
20 | 4-6 Weeks |
30 | 6-8 Weeks |
40 | 8-12 Weeks |
60 | 12-16 Weeks |
81 | Unavailable for Purchase |
DISC | Item will be removed from site |
- When updating the inventory file, upload the entire file, even if there are no changes. This will show the last update; otherwise, we may be contacting your team about aging items that do not have a recent update.
- Please note that the number 81 will alert BBQGuys to make the item unavailable for purchase. If more information is needed, please contact vendorsupport@bbqguys.com.
- All new products must be added to the inventory file prior to BBQGuys loading the items onto our site.
3. Discontinued Item(s)
- As soon as there is a notification that an item being supplied currently is being discontinued, please do the following:
- Update the Logicbroker inventory file with the discontinued item(s) by using “DISC” in the color column upon knowing that the item will be discontinued. The item will be deactivated upon receipt of the inventory file. When submitting the next updated inventory file, the discontinued item(s) may be removed.
- Please advise if there is quantity to fulfill any open orders. If the orders cannot be fulfilled, use the cancellation process for the open orders. BBQGuys Acknowledgment Guidelines.
- Please do not remove anything from Logicbroker directly.
- If there is a replacement item, please email the category manager and cc: vendorsupport@bbqguys.com with the following information associated with the replacement/new item:
- The date that the discontinued item will no longer be available.
- Replacement item cost.
- Replacement item retail Cost.
- Replacement Model Number.
- Time to ship.
- As soon as there is a notification that an item being supplied currently is being discontinued, please do the following: