It is important to note that once a Logicbroker invoice is created it cannot be edited. Please exercise caution when creating invoices to avoid delays in processing orders.
1) All orders must be shipped within Logicbroker prior to creating an invoice.
2) You cannot invoice BBQGuys for anything other than what was on the original purchase order. If something
was not right with the original purchase order, you are expected to correct this before acknowledging the
PO. Instructions are found on page 3 of this guide and found in the online knowledgebase in Logicbroker.
a) You can only invoice what the original cost is on the purchase order.
b) You are not able to invoice for any unshipped items.
3) Invoicing correction requests must be emailed to
4) Each invoice created in Logicbroker must have its own unique Invoice number.
5) Payment Terms are required on all Invoices.
a) To set up Payment Terms, go to Settings > Account Information > Payment Terms.
i) Examples of how Terms should be entered:
i) “Net 30” – Where Net Days Due is 30.
(ii) “2% 10, Net30” – Where net days due is 30, net discount days due is 10, and discount
percentage is 2.