Please invoice no later than 24 hours after the shipment has left the facility.
Please do not invoice BBQGuys for anything other than what was on the original purchase order. If something was incorrect with the original purchase order, it should have been cancelled.
Please only invoice what the original price that was on the acknowledged purchase order. If this price is altered, the invoice will fail and will need to be resubmitted.
Unshipped items are not able to be invoiced.
Discounts, freight and Tax should not be added to the invoice. Discounts and freight are handled separately, and updated resale certificates are provided at the beginning of each calendar year, or when you were onboarded. Invoices will be rejected if any of these fields are added
Each invoice created in Logicbroker must have its own unique invoice number.
Payment terms begin upon a successful invoice submission in Logicbroker.
Any failed invoices that are resubmitted will be seen as a new invoice and payment terms will begin on that resubmitted date.
Please make sure that internal systems match prices that are submitted on invoices in Logicbroker, so the account does not go out of balance.