Change Reason |
When to Use |
Who to notify |
Bad address |
Address provided is not valid |
Cancelled at retailer’s request |
BBQGuys contacts you to cancel a Purchase Order |
Respond to email confirming the PO has been cancelled |
Cannot ship to PO box |
Address provided is a PO box |
Discontinued item |
Item is no longer available and order will not ship |
Duplicate order |
Duplicate POs were sent. Do not cancel until contacting purchasing first. |
Invalid sku |
Model on PO does not match the item’s true model number |
Invalid item cost |
Line item cost on the PO is incorrect |
Invalid ship method |
Cannot ship the item with the ship method provided on the PO |
Item recall |
Item on PO has been recalled |
Other |
For any other reason not listed above |
Note: When emailing, the email should have the subject line of:
Cancel Notice POXXXXXX (where POXXXXXX is the actual PO number being cancelled).