Cancellations can originate from either BBQGuys or the vendor, and they are done via an Acknowledgement document in Logicbroker.
When the cancellation originates from the supplier (you):
Should of any of the information on the purchase order (PO) be incorrect, such as: price, model number, shipping address information, quantity, etc... do not accept the purchase order; instead, you need to immediately cancel the PO in Logicbroker and email with the correct information.
1) If pricing is incorrect, please email our pricing team at and cc for all pricing discrepancies. We will verify the details and send a new
purchase order with the correct information at our earliest opportunity. In this email, please provide:
(a) PO Number (where POXXXXXX is the actual PO number being cancelled)
(b) The affected items
(c) The corrected cost
2) For all other cancellations, please email immediately once the cancellation has been completed. We will verify details and send a new purchase order with the correct information. In this email, please provide:
(a) The subject line of: Cancel Notice POXXXXXX (where POXXXXXX is the actual PO number being cancelled).
(b) The affected items
(c) The reason for cancellation
3) Cancellation of orders must be done on each line item with:
(a) Cancellation/Change Reason, use the most accurate reason available in the Change Reason
drop-down menu.
(b) Correct quantity being canceled.
(c) Do NOT use the “Cancel All” Items button at the top of the acknowledgment document. The
Acknowledgment document will fail as it requires line item cancel reason codes.
When the cancellation originates from BBQGuys:
1) We will contact you to alert you to the cancellation of the PO via email.
2) We are requesting your response within 24 hours or less (weekends and holidays excluded).
3) It is your responsibility to make sure we have the best contact to use when canceling POs from our end.
4) If a change is required, please send the new contact to
5) If we do not receive a response in 24 hours, we will call to make sure you received our cancellation request and request you to process the cancellation during the call.
6) If you have confirmed the item/PO is canceled, you are responsible for the cancellation of the item/PO in Logicbroker as well as your internal systems.
7) Once the item/PO is canceled, you will not be able to ship or invoice BBQGuys for this item/PO.
8) If the item/PO still ships, BBQGuys will not be held responsible for the cost and expenses.
9) If you receive a cancellation request for a drop ship order, the entire line must be cancelled, there are nopartial line-item cancellations allowed.