- Expand Files on left navigation bar of Logicbroker
- Select Advanced Export
- In Profile section, select the profile ShipmentExportForInvoice from the dropdown menu
- In Document Filter section, change Start Date and End Date to preferred date range
- In Output Format section, select XLSX format
The ShipmentExportForInvoice filter defaults to include all shipment statuses is 1000. The status code 1000 is “Complete”, so this default filter will pull all items that have shipped. Once the file is exported, you can remove the line items that have already been invoiced.
Here’s a list of the main Order Status Codes. These codes are also available in Logicbroker Help Center.
- New = 0
- Submitted = 100
- Ready to Acknowledge = 150
- Acknowledged = 200
- Ready to Ship = 500
- Ready to Invoice = 600
- Complete = 1000
- Cancelled = 1100
Update the File
- Please ensure you understand the BBQGuys Invoicing Guidelines when invoicing purchase orders.
- Open the downloaded file
- Expand columns to be able to read all headers
- PartnerPO (column A) = our PO number
InvoiceNumber (column B) = your invoice number
- Enter the same invoice number for all line items of the same PO as well as matching your internal PO number.
- Required field
- DiscountAmount (column C) - should not be used for BBQGuys POs, invoice will be rejected.
TaxAmount (column D) - should not be used for BBQGuys POs, invoice will be rejected. HandlingAmount (column E) - should not be used for BBQGuys POs, invoice will be rejected. DropshipAmount (column F) = dropship or handling fees
- Enter the total amount of dropship or handling fees for all items being invoiced on the same PO
- Not a required field. Only needed if you needed to charge BBQGuys for a handling fee that wasn’t already included in the cost of the item for that order.
- Price (column G) = our price for the item
Quantity (column H) = Quantity to be invoiced
- Required field
- QuantityUOM (column I) = our price unit of measure
InvoiceDate (column J) = date of the invoice. Prepopulated to the shipment date. Remove the dates in this column and replace with today’s date if different from shipment date.
- Must be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD in text
- Must be entered on all line items for the PO
- Required field
- OrderDate (column K) = Date of the Purchase Order. Leave this column as is.
- ItemIdentifier.SupplierSKU (column L) = model number
- ItemIdentifier.PartnerSKU (column M) = BBQGuys Item ID
- Remaining columns (N-AG) are details of the shipment document and necessary for the invoice import. Do not make changes to these columns.
- Enter the invoice details in Columns B – F.
- Only Column B – InvoiceNumber is required.
- Columns C-F are not required fields. Only fill these out if it is necessary for the order.
- Verify Price is the same amount the PO was acknowledged for (column G) and InvoiceDate (column J) are accurate.
- For items that do not need to be invoiced, remove the line item by deleting the row.
- Save file
- Expand Files on left navigation bar of Logicbroker
- Select Import Documents
- Select Invoice
- Drag file into box or choose file name
- Click CONTINUE through the Map Columns and Validate Screens
- Once completed, you’ll receive confirmation of the invoice documents created
Alternate File Export Options
- From the search bar at the top right, enter the Purchase Order numbers that you need to update.
- To search multiple purchase orders at once, enter a Pipe (vertical bar) “ | ” between each PO number
- Using the Filter button in the top right, select Type is Shipment to narrow your search to just the Shipment documents.
- Check the boxes on the left to select the orders
- Select Export in the top action bar
- Select ShipmentExportForInvoice under the Export profile
- Select XLSX as the File type
- Follow the above Update File and Import steps