- Go to the Orders tab on left navigation bar of Logicbroker.
- Click the Filter button in the top right corner
- Select Status is Ready to Acknowledge. Click Add. (*see Additional Note for EDI below)
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and change the amount of Rows per page to show 100 (right hand side). It defaults to only show 20. If you have a lot of orders to acknowledge, change the rows per page to show 100 so you can acknowledge them all at once.
- On the top left side of the screen, click the top box to select all orders.
- Click Date TWICE - this will sort the orders and bring the oldest orders to the top.
- Once all orders are sorted and selected (you will see a red check mark), click ACCEPT/REJECT at the top right side of the screen.
- After clicking ACCEPT/REJECT, the next screen will be where you enter in the item details. Enter in the Estimated Ship Date (this is necessary)
- Qty Accepted OR
- Qty Backordered OR
- Qty Cancelled & Change Reason.
- Note: Only enter in a Change Reason when cancelling items. Chose the most relevant option from the drop down menu. Review BBQGuys Cancellation Guidelines & Order Cancellation Change Reasons (located in BBQGuys Help Center) for who to notify when cancelling orders for incorrect information.
- After entering in the info on each line item of the PO, click
- Continue to through the list of POs on this screen, clicking Submit as you go.
*Additional Note for EDI or Automation connections
Depending on the type of order entry, the orders may be auto acknowledged, therefore the order will not remain in “Ready to Acknowledge” status. Instead of filtering by “Ready to Acknowledge” for Step 3, perform the following:
- Select Date is [Yesterday’s Date] and click This will bring up all POs sent yesterday. On Mondays, you will have to add to additional filters to account for the weekend: Date is [Saturday’s Date] & Date is [Sunday’s Date]
- Add another filter - Select Status is Ready to Ship and click Add. This will filter out any orders that shipped out already, in the event orders ship within less than 24 hours.
Once the appropriate filters are added, complete steps 4-10 as listed above.