- Expand Files on left navigation bar of Logicbroker
- Select Advanced Export
- In Profile section, select the profile OrderExportForShipment from the dropdown menu
- In Document Filter section, change Start Date and End Date to preferred date range
- In Output Format section, select XLSX format
- The OrderExportForShipment filter defaults to include all order statuses less than 600. The status code 600 is “Ready to Invoice”, so this default filter will include all orders that have not fully shipped yet. This will allow you see all orders available to ship. Once the file is exported, you can remove the line items that did not ship.
- Here’s a list of the main Status Codes. These codes are also available in Logicbroker Help Center.
- New = 0.
- Submitted = 100.
- Ready to Acknowledge = 150.
- Acknowledged = 200.
- Ready to Ship = 500.
- Ready to Invoice = 600.
- Complete = 1000.
- Cancelled = 1100.
Update the File
- Open the downloaded file.
- Expand columns to be able to read all headers.
- PartnerPO (column A) = our PO number.
- ShipmentNumber (column B) = our PO number.
ShipmentDate (column C) = The date of shipment.
- Must be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD in text.
Hint: Format column as text first before adding dates.
- Must be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD in text.
LineNumber (column D) = Order Line Number on PO.
- Must be formatted as number.
- ItemIdentifier.SupplierSKU (column E) = Model Number.
- ItemIdentifier.PartnerSKU (column F) = Partner SKU.
ShipmentInfo.Qty (column G) = qty on PO.
- Must be formatted as number.
- Adjust the qty in this column to reflect the numbers of items shipped. If you are not shipping this item, then remove the line item from the spreadsheet (do not adjust qty to 0).
- ShipmentInfo.TrackingNumber (column H) = Enter the Tracking Number here. (See notes below on how to format tracking).
- ShipmentInfo.ClassCode (column I) = Ship Method (this is auto populated).
- Fill in the dimensions of the box/pallet under. Please have the dimensions from the shipment available.
- ShipmentInfo.Height (column J).
- ShipmentLine.ShipmentInfo.Width (column K).
- ShipmentLine.ShipmentInfo.Length (column L) .
- These columns (columns J-L need be formatted as numbers).
- Unit of measurement in ShipmentLine.ShipmentInfo.DimensionUnit (column M).
- The unit of measurement (column M) needs to be text (Ex: in).
- Enter the weight of the box/pallet under ShipmentLine.ShipmentInfo.Weight (column N) and the unit of measurement under ShipmentLine.ShipmentInfo.WeightUnit (column O).
- The weight (column N) should be the actual weight - (needs to be formatted as number).
- The unit of measurement (column O) needs to be formatted as text (Ex: lb).
- ShipmentInfo.ContainerType (column P) - Enter in the word box (needs to be formatted as text).
- Columns Q-Y will be auto populated with the customers ship to information.
- Enter in your shipping address under columns Z-AF.
- Save file.
How to Format Tracking Numbers
Examples can be found on BBQGuys Shipment Guidelines.
- Expand Files on left navigation bar of Logicbroker.
- Select Import Documents.
- Select Shipments.
- Drag file into box or choose file name
- Click CONTINUE through the Map Columns and Validate Screens
- Once completed, you’ll receive confirmation of the shipping documents created
Alternate File Export Options
- From the search bar at the top right, enter the model number or Purchase Order numbers that you need to update.
- If you search the model number, narrow your search further by clicking on the Status you want (“Ready to Ship”). To search multiple numbers at once, enter a Pipe (vertical bar) “ | ” between each model number.
- To search multiple purchase orders at once, enter a Pipe (vertical bar) “ | ” between each PO number
- Check the boxes on the left to select the orders
- Select Export in the top action bar
- Select OrderExportForShipment under the Export profile
- Select XLSX as the File type
- Follow the above Update File and Import steps